Effie 2019

Log Status






Time Played

0h 59m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 12, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I really couldn't recommend Effie. The world seems mostly empty and uninspired, the writing is... bad. Go here, collect McGuffin, kill witch, repeat. The boss fights are uninspiring and repetitive, at least from what I've played, and the combat is worse. The combat is just mash light/heavy until all enemies are dead, but I guess you can throw in one other, objectively inferior bonus move if you feel like it. The surfing mechanic shown in trailers was the main draw for me, but it's disabled everywhere except the overworld, which is empty save for sparse time trials and small unrewarding outposts. The narrator speaking over all actions gets old really fast as well. Every chest, and nearly every collectible is paired with ONE voiceline. Said voiceline also does not make sense for the context of the action. Lots of stuff in the game is reused just as much as the voicelines too, and the game just feels unpolished overall.