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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 10, 2023

Platforms Played


Eh, it's alright. The translation is from Korean, which I gleaned because it was very stilted in general, and one text box just showed up untranslated. It's cute, and in the early game it does a good job of balancing exploration with the crafting aspects. Slowly growing an arsenal of recipes was satisfying. But as the game continued, more of the game relied on gaining currency, which pretty much exclusively involves daily in-game quests. The requests were one of three things, limited to one request per day. Once you have collected all the recipes that you have agency over, then the game becomes a drip feed of stuff to do. There's really not much to do beyond the quests that are laid out at this point. I couldn't tell you if it's worth the money, but it's not all that sparkly once you settle into it. Hopefully the full release gives more stuff to do beyond the quests, like everyday rp activities that exist for detail.