This is a game I backed on Kickstarter and I'm glad I did. I didn't quite struggle with the controls much, at least not after I set the angles to be locked so aiming was more consistent. And the stage design was great. I could usually tell where I was supposed to go and was able to figure out how to get there. And one thing, thinking about it that I realized is...

Frogun is a game that values your time. It doesn't want you to immediately rush through it most of the time, it wants you to examine your surroundings and figure out the best way forward. Only once you've figured out the best route through the stage will it reward you for going quickly. Take your time, get used to the mechanics, figure stuff out. Even the enemies are pretty chill most of the time, following very set patterns and cycles so you aren't overwhelmed once you get near one.

The only time you have to rush would be the race stages with Jake which, I do admit, can be a bit janky. But they're also very point A to point B in a way that the rest of the game isn't as much. And there are usually very visible shortcuts you can use (and should use since Jake uses them a lot).

As for bosses, they're tedious to be sure, but they're just as cycle based as everything else. And they always have a tell of what they're about to do, so as long as you're patient and paying attention you can usually figure out what you're supposed to do.

While I do admit that perhaps it does stay a bit too close to its old-school inspirations, it's still well worth a playthrough. As long as you're patient and take breaks when you start to get frustrated, you'll get through with ease as you learn the techniques. And hey, the sequel is already fixing some complaints. Renata moves much faster and some of the movement tech revealed already allows for more blistering speeds. So I'm definitely giving that a whirl too, because it shows the devs are listening.

Reviewed on Apr 25, 2023


1 year ago

This is the real, genuine fair writeup this game deserves. While I don't fully think it's a perfect 5/5 game for me, I still think it's a platformer that hits the mark it wants to hit. This was a diamond-cut analysis that I think should be considered more than the overwhelming unnecessary vitriol I've seen this game get.

1 year ago

@smaench Oh it's probably more of a 4/5 or 4.5/5 for me, but I still marked it as 5/5 to try to offset the overall rating that's tanked a bit because of that vitriol lol