3 reviews liked by Missouri

finally beat this motherfucker on 1cc. what a beast of the nes catalogue. music is great, the spritework is awesome, the regular levels are all pretty solid (though stage 7 is kind of bullshit) and the biggest complaint i can suggest is that the 'base' stages are a cool idea and i'm sure blew minds in the late 80s but dear god they're cumbersome now and served as THE toughest part of this run. still this is an obvious standout of the nes catalogue and everyone knows it. chefs kiss,

Dirty and ugly and transcendently so at times. Even the UI has big noisy balls. The name entry screen involves a ring of NPCs holding letters of the alphabet. Shoot one and they silently take your bullet, falling in line behind McClane as you circle round and spell your name, duck-duck-goose with a Glock. The airport level is a dissociative first person massacre, wading through a wash of wistful synth music, sublime garbage made with gusto. Fast food teenage slumber party Blockbuster video rental excellence.

this game is both 2 and 5 at once, don't believe my actual rating - cytus 2 is incredible, please don't play it