June, 2024


13h 42m

📍 Current Goal:
37,326,972 / 50,000,000 points scored (lifetime) (1,901,364 points scored - 06/30)

💬 Comments:
I'll try to score 2 million or so per day. I found a strategy by prioritizing survival over score, as your ship is slow and bosses can destroy you real quick. Also, having the right perks help. Super Shotgun is the best weapon, as it melts both small and medium sized enemies quickly. You can do a lot of damage with this weapon if you're in overdrive and/or double damage power-up. Force field power-up can be extremely useful especially if you have 'Efficiency' perk.

🏆 Achievements earned:
✅ 1 million points (07/02/21)
✅ 2 Million Points (10/16/22)
✅ 5 Million Points (10/14/23)
✅ 10 Million Points (10/17/23)
20 Million Points (10/28/23)

⭐ 05 out of 10 achievements earned


1h 2m



🎇 Game beaten!
Time Taken: 01 hr 02 min

🏆 All achievements earned (16 out of 16 earned)

💬 Comments:
I played this while I'm on the trip.

Started / Finished

5h 52m



✊ Challenge 12 beaten!

🏆 All achievements earned (20 out of 20 earned)

I finally beaten the difficult challenge stage! Boy, that took me ages to get this. I tried to get it while on the go. Then after I came home and took a break for a while, I try again once more and I nailed it. I can finally rest now.

💬 Comments:
I originally intended to beat 20 challenges, but I decided to retire after beating challenge 12 due to earning the last achievement. I have no plans to return back to beat the remaining challenges. It's time for me to move on.



6h 0m

Trying to find all of the hidden treasure in the game. So far I only found 21 out of 22. If only there is a guide, I could have gotten 100% sooner. Sadly, it never happened.


7h 49m


🎆 Game beaten! 🎆
Time Taken: 07 hours 49 minutes
💀 Deaths: 386 (somewhat I lost track due to me playing on the go)

🏆 All achievements earned (13 out of 13 earned)



138h 59m

▶️ Current Grind - Gachi Rank:
✅ Nakiri Ayame (06/15)

I finally made every character reached the maximum gachi rank! It's all done. Only one grind left: getting the rarest fish.


2h 18m

✅ Stage 1 (CLEARED)
▶️ Stage 2 (CURRENT)

🏆 3 out of 19 achievements earned

May, 2024


20h 27m

✅ 50,000 enemies destroyed
🏃‍♂️ Daily grind finished!

🏆 All achievements earned. (36 out of 36 earned)


2h 24m


Started playing.

I tried to get this game work on Linux desktop PC, but it's not working. Odd how this game worked on Steam Deck. Perhaps it's CPU or GPU related?

UPDATE: (5/24)
I found a fix for the Linux desktop PC. I had to add one launch option: PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% -vanillaGFX

🪙 Reboot mode - 1CC - Easy difficulty

I'm going after normal 1CC next both on Reboot and Retro modes.



3h 48m


On hiatus; again, but I'll come back very soon.

Original post:
I used to play this game on Windows 10 six years ago. Then, I quit playing this game. But! I decided to return for proper clear, plus getting all of the achievements is way easier now.

Unfortunately, I had to play on Steam Deck, as the game doesn't run on the latest Intel CPUs for some strange reason. Many Unity-powered games I've played run just fine on Intel CPUs.




🎆 Game beaten!
Time Taken: (now calculating)
💀 Deaths: 14

🏆 All achievements earned

There are multiple endings, but who gives a crap.



5h 9m

📝 Daily grind goals:
● 🧶 Collect 5,000 balls (any mode)
● 😊 Receive 100 smiles (any mode; sadly, you can only stick to one mode as the stats cannot carry over to another mode)
● Cleared 30 times (any difficulty; Arcade mode only)
✅ 🥊 Defeated 20,000 enemies (any mode)
✅ 🔫 Unlocked all weapons (non-ach goal)

📝 Challenging goals:
● ⚡️ Clear arcade mode on easy difficulty without collecting any sweets
● 🔍️ Find all secrets (17 out of 21 found)

💬 Comments:
I'm slowed down after feeling sick on Friday.


8h 10m

(Notes: The playtime is not final and I'll calculate the time properly based on my playtime on desktop PC and Steam Deck.)

🌅 = Morning
🌙 = Evening
🎑 = Midnight

▶️ Progress:
✅ Boss #1 defeated (04/27)
✅ Boss #2 defeated (04/28)
✅ Boss #3 defeated (04/29)
✅ Boss #4 defeated (04/30)
✅ Boss #5 defeated (05/03) 🎑
✅ Boss #6 defeated (05/04) 🌙

▶️ Challenges:
✅ Challenge 1 cleared (04/30)
✅ Challenge 2 cleared (04/28)
✅ Challenge 3 cleared (04/29)
✅ Challenge 4 cleared (05/01)
✅ Challenge 5 cleared (05/03) 🌅
✅ Challenge 6 (05/04)

🏆 15 out of 21 achievements earned

April, 2024


0h 29m


⏺️ Started playing (on Steam Deck)

I just had a little trouble of getting the mouse left click work on few in-game buttons (hint and wave stop). I had to set the in-game screen to 'full screen'.



Tested on Steam Deck. It took me a while to find the right settings and tweaks for best experience.

I'll start playing soon.


1h 24m


✅ Cleared Spring course
✅ Cleared Summer course
✅ Cleared Fall course
✅ Cleared Winter course
✅ Cleared Master course

🎇 Game beaten!
Time Taken: 4 hrs
💀 Loses (DC): 67 (estimated)

🏆 All achievements earned

Update: (06/14/24)
Moved the "Mastered" tag to today's date due to additional achievements by patch.



2h 36m


Started playing. I played the demo first.

✅ Stage 1 Score: 1,250
✅ Stage 2 Score: 1,600



1h 0m


Started playing.

I bought this game when it was heavily discounted last week.

For some reason, the achievements are not unlocking while playing on the go in offline mode. Looks like I need to be online to earn achievements. Most likely it's a client-related bug despite the game not required to be always-online. Sigh.


March, 2024


3h 53m



✅ Finished tutorial levels (30 out of 30 levels)

▶️ 30 out of 60 8x8 levels finished

🛑 On hiatus (05/27/24)



15h 40m

I finally got the last legendary weapon! I got this from the shop randomly. Daily grind is over.

🏆 All achievements earned (29 out of 29 earned)❗️

I've got this last achievement while I'm on the go.

10h 42m

✅ 7 Chain Combo scored!
✅ Accumulated 50,000 points

✴️ 162 out of 300 chains counted.


2h 41m


🎆 Game beaten! 🎆
Time Taken: 02 hr 41 min (Steam Playtime: 02 hr 30 min)
💀 Deaths: 20
🏆 All achievements earned.
🌙 Finished at midnight. (02:50)


0h 59m


Started playing.



5h 60m

Unfortunately, the Steam Cloud save is bugged, resulting my save from Steam Deck not working properly. I need to play a few hours on my desktop PC and backup locally.

February, 2024


0h 42m




👊 Game beaten!
Time Taken: 42 minutes
💀 Deaths: 20

❌ One achievement is broken since the launch of major update from July 2023:
Beat Story Mode

🏆 24 out of 25 maximum possible achievements earned

I got all endless related achievements almost two years ago. Story mode is the only remaining content I played.

Started / Finished

1h 6m


Windows PC version; Steam

Played for a little while while traveling. I'm still at the beginning. The VN part is longer than actual gameplay at the beginning.

And yes, it does work on Steam Deck! I use Proton-GE ver 8-32 w/ one launch parameter: PROTON_USE_WINE3D=1 %command%

I'm not sure if this launch parameter is necessary, but I decided to use it just in case.
