Log Status






Time Played

20h 27m

Days in Journal

19 days

Last played

May 31, 2024

First played

January 12, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Beaten; now aiming 100%


20h 27m


First Time

May 2024




✅ 50,000 enemies destroyed
🏃‍♂️ Daily grind finished!

🏆 All achievements earned. (36 out of 36 earned)



💥 43,410 out of 50,000 enemies destroyed



🏆 Achievements earned:
✅ The Dragon - Collected 5,000 gems

🏆 35 out of 36 earned

Only 50,000 kills achievement left!




Just came back from the two week hiatus. I'm willing to catch up on finishing the daily grind.

Update: (05/27)
I found a game breaking bug: if you pickup the bullseye perk, then it will hinder the game's performance. What this means is, the framerate dips from time to time and gets lower every several seconds. Whatever you do, do not pick the bullseye perk. Avoid it at all costs if you want a stable 60+ FPS.

Another game breaking bug I found is: the enemy speed seems to increase depending on game's FPS. If 60 FPS, then the enemy speed is default; however, if going higher than 60, then the enemies move faster than the player.

Update: (06/14/24)
The developer is aware of the issues after reading my thread regarding the game breaking bugs.

Previous notes:
I originally thought it was switching window and pausing that causes the performance, but I later found out it wasn't the case.



Just came back from the break. Now, I wanna try to get 5,000 enemies destroyed per day.



Took a one week break from playing. Back to daily grind.

🏆 Achievements earned:
✅ 20,000 enemies destroyed (lifetime)
✅ 2,500 gems collected (lifetime)

➡️ Current grind:
● Destroy 50,000 enemies (lifetime)
● Collect 5,000 gems (lifetime)

April 2024




🏃‍♂️ Daily Grind

Apr 19:
✅ 5,000 enemies destroyed
✅ 50 bosses destroyed
✅ Collect 1,000 ranks
✅ 500 gems collected

Apr 20:
✅ 10,000 enemies destroyed
✅ 1,000 gems collected

Apr 21:
✅ Entered laser barrage 10 times
✅ Broke warp 10 times
✅ Destroyed 100 bosses

Apr 22:
✅ Entered meteor storm 10 times
✅ Entered asteroid field 10 times
✅ Entered mine field 10 times

Daily Grind Progress:
🟠 2,068/5,000 gems collected
🟠 16,845/50,000 enemies destroyed



Returned to play after looking at the news about the latest patch. Apparently, the achievements are working now.

Good news for Steam Deck players: your achievements progress actually works in offline mode!

Update: (04/22)
Sadly, your achievements progress can't carry over between desktop and Steam Deck. For instance, if you have 5,000 enemy destroyed and you move to Steam Deck, it goes to 0 due to the game thinks you're playing on different system.

1h 5m

January 2023



Rogue-like horizontal STG

Game beaten!

I beat the game on my first try without dying! 💚

Achievement hunting on hiatus (Update: All achievements are now unlockable via latest patch.)

1h 31m

Started / Finished