If you plan on playing this or any other game published by
Working Designs please do yourself a favor and check if there's an Un-Working Designs patch for said game you're looking for. Working Designs is notorious for increasing in game difficulty to a frustrating degree. Enemies do more damage, items cost more in shops, increased enemy stats, etc. With these patches the frustration and
tedium is mostly gone as they revert the difficulty back to the original Japanese releases. You still have to put up with their shitty ass scripts which added awkward sex jokes, slurs and
references, like Bill Clinton in Lunar and Bob Vila in Magic Knight Rayearth. Suffice to say I'm glad Working Designs is gone. #ripbozo #packwatch rest in piss

The actual game here is a fun little 2D Zelda like. Sprites are cute and the soundtrack goes kinda hard??? Platforming can be a bit awkward at times and maybe I'm just dumb but I found myself getting lost a few times. It also becomes a shmup for a bit at the end.

Reviewed on Sep 24, 2022


1 year ago

i recommend the Rayearth manga and anime too. my favorite manga of all time, and i love that the game just has the animes clips as FMVs.
Ditto on checking out the manga, it's fun and it's super short, easily done in full over the afternoon

Yet to see any of the anime adaptations though, need to fix that

1 year ago

I'll definitely check out the manga! I enjoyed the game enough that I'm curious to look at the source material.

1 year ago

I would strongly recommend the anime tv series which has a similar foundation to the manga but diverges in pretty big ways especially in its second season to the point that I think they’re both distinct and worthwhile projects even if I prefer the anime overall.

I think the later OVA which is a standalone work unrelated to the manga or tv anime is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen but it IS easy to find for free on YouTube and over in less time than it takes to watch a movie so rayearth is p easy to be completionist about if you really want to