On one hand, the combat is satisfying and getting past that one section or boss after being stonewalled is extremely gratifying. On the other hand, I find the camera to be absolutely vile at times (usually during bosses). It likes to get stuck behind pillars and rubble. The camera also has a hard time keeping up with the action at times. I also think most of the bosses are completely uninteresting. In character action games (I despise this term) the bosses are usually a big highlight, but here you get an electric worm, then two electric worms, then a fire worm, two tanks, a helicopter and a tentacle monster you fight multiple times. This game also commits one of my personal pet peeves and that is boss fights with added trash mobs. Off the top of my head two bosses on normal are like this, but on harder difficulties way more do this, like most of the bosses. I didn't find the lack of a lock-on to be a problem, but this seems to vary from person to person. I did enjoy a few of the bosses like Murai, the first Doku fight and the final boss!

I find these two points to be detrimental to my overall enjoyment, so I sadly can't say this is an all-time favorite for me, but it's still a solid action title that isn't afraid to kick your ass. So give it a shot! Maybe you won't have issues with these things and remember to keep trying! If I can do it, then so can you.

Reviewed on Jan 13, 2023
