Log Status






Time Played

573h 12m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 29, 2023

Platforms Played


Dead by daylight is a fantastic mess of a game. The game is somewhat similar to the children's game "kick the can", but with some more added objectives for the survivors to do.

As is with Kick The Can, this game is also a lot of fun, but it depends a lot on the play environment. The Killer can often feel like the survivor has wronged them, and decides their new goal is to make the game as miserable as possible for everybody else. This can be because a survivor saved their friend too quickly, or escaped for long enough the Killer deems the game unwinnable for them.

Imagine Kick The Can, but the Killer just stands on top of the can all game, ensuring that no one can win. Not exactly a fun experience. This is the average Dead by Daylight player's mindset.

The devs are in an endless fight with the community. For every "lame" playstyle they try to patch, a new one arises. Can't stand on the box anymore? Fine, I'll stand on the captured player so no one can rescue. That's being patched? Fine, I will just refuse to capture players and leave them in the "downed" state unable to play forever. Ohh, can't do that anymore? No worries, I will locate the 3 closest generators in proximity and defend these for so long the server literally closes (which results in a default win for the killer).

Kick the can is overall a fantastic game, but there's a reason adults don't play it as a competitive sport. There are too many ways to "play lame" and stalemate the game.

If you do play it with likeminded players, though, this game is beautiful. Killers from any popular horror franchise, hundreds of perks that change the game way you play, and an incredibly satisfying gameplay loop.

Be weary though, this game is incredibly good for 3 months, then the devs run out of ideas and ruin everything for 6 months, then it gets good again for another 3 months. This game is best played in waves. Please also play other games if you embark on this journey.