What a fantastic experience. A very meta game in a somewhat similar way The Stanley Parable is. There is a narrator, he tells you what to do, and you try every combination of options to change the outcome. I think the best way to describe this game is that it is exactly how you image, while also not being how you imagine it at all. You know things are going to get messy, you know it will be meta, but you can never quite predict how the game does it. It makes for a game that keeps you engaged, keeps you guessing, and holds your curiosity throughout your entire playthrough.

It is well executed, the writing is witty, funny, horrifying, and sometimes thought provoking. The voice acting is great, and the different personalities in your head make for some great dialogue. Despite the somewhat simple looking sketchbook artstyle, the game manages to do a lot with it. Your mind kind of fills in the blanks, and it overall works very well.

This is one of those games where you think you're just gonna play for a short session, and before you know it 3 hours have passed and you cannot fathom how it happened this quickly.

What holds this game back, is that it's somewhat slow on repeat playthroughs. It is kind of annoying to walk through the forest every time and go into the cabin before a real choice begins, and even then you kind of just wanna rush through the first few options to get to the new stuff. It gets somewhat old, especially when you have tried a good amount of choices and need to try different things on day 3. It can sometimes feel like a chore, and some sort of shortcut system would go a long way, instead of relying on the player to make multiple saves.

That aside, I think this is an incredibly unique yet well executed game that is worth playing for everyone. This game deserves to be one of those games everyone picks up for their steam libraries.

Reviewed on Nov 19, 2023
