Silent Hill 2 is a classic that I don't think can ever be trumped for me. This is my top "Games as Art", and a large part of that is because it exists in such a poorly aged time capsule. So much of the game's charm comes from clunky controls, technical limitations, and unintentionally bad CGI. These things just can't be replicated in the same earnest way on modern hardware. But here? They all work together in a cacophonous harmony to create the most beautiful and cinematic nightmare you've ever experienced.

It's such a haunting and melancholic ride that takes advantage of the medium; you being in control is integral to the dread, sadness, and confusion of the journey. Everything is so horrifying yet painfully heartbreaking, all wrapped in an atmosphere that never gives, accompanied by a wonderfully unique soundtrack. Masahiro Ito's art direction here is top of the line in this industry and in my opinion, hasn't been met head on since. The entire game from start to finish is lightning in a bottle. It's never subtle with its thematic musing on guilt and punishment, but that lack of subtlety is by design and so, so stylish, integrated perfectly into the aesthetic of the town.

The Enhanced Edition on PC is legendary, and absolutely the best way to currently play the game if you aren't just opting for accurate PS2 emulation or the original game on a CRT.

Reviewed on Jun 24, 2021
