Gris 2018

Log Status






Time Played

9h 12m

Days in Journal

4 days

Last played

May 28, 2024

First played

May 16, 2024

Platforms Played


Quite a departure of the games I use to review on this site. Whacky chaos, violence, emotionally gripping moments, thought-provoking narratives with a nice sense of style. I'd argue those are the type of games I like to play for the most part, but more ofthen than not I'm willing to give other genres a chance once I get tired, and Gris caught me at the right mood to enjoy it.

Gris doesn't try to be more than what already is. An artsy game that talks about the loss of a loved one and how to ultimately deal with that event, through acceptance. Yeah, it's the so common message about just moving forward with your life facing the reality that it is in front of you. But Gris is subtle as there isn't any dialogue present, just some little interaction between the characters. So, the overall narrative is hidden under a layer of pastel colors and abstract geometry.

The lack of gameplay from the start is quite a letdown, but towards the end it starts to get really good might I say I was having fun doing some puzzles and I suck at puzzles. These were really enjoyable to figure it out alá Limbo just not as extreme. Mix it with a gorgeus art direction and everything just fits together. Doesn't try be more than that, it is a beautiful artistic and technical showcase for Nomada Studio.

And please, buy the soundtrack as well. Just lovely, happy mellow vibes.