Kaito's very own personal adventure

If Judgment was about Yagami as a character, The Kaito Files is about Kaito.

I had the feeling this DLC throw us back to the classic Yakuza games. The very first Yakuza game to be specific, going around Kamurocho searching the mom of a abandoned child? Sounds pretty much like it.

If you ever played Yakuza 0 or Yakuza Kiwami you will know Kiryu has 3 main styles of combat, 4 counting Dragon Style. Kaito uses two fighting styles in this DLC: Buiser and Tank.

Well, Bruiser is pretty much Brawler from Yakuza 0 and Kiwami. A fast and reliable source of dealing damage to a small group of enemies. Tank is Beast focused on crowd control and damage.

What's really interesting is that most of it's moveset is directly taken from Kiryu's and that's not bad by any means. Because it works and it's the first implementation of it in the new Dragon Engine. Without mentioning is just a DLC expansion.

The story in my opinion was better than in the base game, simple and to the point. It felt more personal to Kaito and that sells it to me, not just another case or adventure totally unrelated to the character.

Reviewed on Aug 11, 2023
