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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 26, 2024

First played

November 25, 2023

Platforms Played


Yeah, it’s a pretty good game; but not because of the gameplay, which is just there, it’s more the story really. I like Jesse's character, the stoic façade she puts on to hide her fear and insecurities makes her a relatable character. The gameplay is very basic tho.

And honestly the gameplay is my biggest issue. There really isn’t much of a reason to upgrade your gun at all because once you unlock the spread shot it can carry you throughout the entire game. And even then, I do find it kinda flow-breaking that there isn’t a manual reload command, even if it can be dealt with by just using your throw ability while you wait for your gun to recharge. I still do feel that the shooting gets broken up by a mechanic that, while fun, unnecessarily puts on the breaks by forcing you to use it whenever you need the gun to reload.

That being said, the gunplay is fine, the gun's different modes don’t have the punch I’d hope from them, aside from the spreadshot, which like I said is basically the only gun you’ll need for the whole game in my experience. Enemies can be a bit annoying, especially the guys that float around in their IKEA office chairs because they are bullet sponges and can avoid your telekinesis thrown objects and they can be very annoying to deal with in hordes where you have to worry about other enemies coming up to you. But they’re the only ones I had any issues with, the rest of the enemies are mostly pretty easy to deal with.

In terms of story I do like it’s use of environmental storytelling with the Motel that you visit periodically throughout the story, and even if there are some things that aren’t fully answered, like what or who is the Janitor, it still fits with this air of mystery the game's going for, and I do like how strongly written Jesse is.

Overall really solid game that I am surprised flew over my head when it first came out. I recommend it if you want a Dense and interesting supernatural story with a solid lead and don’t mind simplistic and kinda token gameplay. Oh yeah, also if you don't mind it being slightly poorly optimized. Altho slightly might be a bit of an understatement at how many technical issues I got when playing this thing lol