This game is extremely buggy on PC (and assumable on consoles too) but it's so rich. I love every second of roaming, exploring, conversing. All the elements and characters make for a very immersive experience and I can't get enough. There's been so many characters that either warm my heart or exist in a very meaningful way in my playthrough. For example, I really like Cass' bluntness and grip to reality, she's a very interesting character. One of many. The world of New Vegas is very intriguing, yet dull & dead. Sometimes I found moments where I was just wandering through flattened, dusty terrain but other times it's these lively towns & outposts. The dead & dusty areas didn't hamper on my experience but I could see someone becoming irritated with it. Overall, an amazing role-playing game.

This game is utter madness. Great and charming madness. I feel like some of the levels were made by the insane. Some design choices so maniacal, so devilish that I'm surprised they were approved by NoA. A few levels were almost asininine to play. But the rest I either respected for cleaver game design or found fun regardless. On that note, I couldn't imagine the youth beating some of these levels without suffering. I came back to this game out of nostalgia of playing the first couple levels and loving the concept & execution. To this day, I'm still very fond of the movement and partial freedom of what you can do with all the forms of flips and jumps. Overall, a very fun title that can stand on it's own and entertain for a quick couple levels if out on the go or for someone itching for cleaver puzzles and intricate platforming. Also, as I was playing through my recent run & completion, the remake was announced which was pretty funny timing.

Although it's dysfunctional, five minutes of content & less inspired than other WW titles, it's silly funny and that's what matters. Still 1.5/5

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This review is for a first time playthrough; although this game has odd combat & controls (I mean, it's 2 decades old) that means nothing compared to the masterful auditory & visual stimulus. The atmosphere is some of the best I've seen in any video game. Story is interesting... But sadly I got the bad ending on my first playthrough, oops. The end scene was almost kinda funny :
"Thank you dad"
"Goodbye" LIKE WHAT !
That said, this game deserves more love. I only ever hear about SH2, why? This is a wonderful title.

As much as I love Yu Yu Hakusho (it being my fav shounen of all time) this game is lazily made. There's numerous details & map pieces that are either missing or done poorly. There's a lack of content compared to other PS2 fighters and the tokens/token mode are actually nothing LOL. To give it credit though, the moves are fun (granted, with abysmal inputs) and it's an interesting game for sure but potential was wasted,

Dis and other shovel-ware hunting games are hilarious. Cishet men beat off to this. But these typa games are really funny to laugh at. Sad the animals die doe :<