Lego Racers, is the Best fucking racing game of all time.

Played every port of this game grew up with the PC version ♥

The driving controls might turn off new players but its not necessarily bad controls as many people falsely claim.
It is actually just "skill based" Movement akin to rocket jumping or whatever that dodge shit is in smash melee.

Essentially you will turn like a sloth till you tap the space bar and then you make a 180 turn into a wall...

now that sounds like shit right?
WRONG you're just bad at games >;3

you see~ A PRO GAMER knows you have to rapidly tap the space bar and side strafe in this advanced technique I coined as "Drift fucking". If you're ears are bleeding from the chopped overblown sound effects that means you're doing it correctly.

once you've mastered DRIFT FUCKING next you'll need to learn about the ADVANCED POWER UP TECH

this game ain't your bitch boy's mario kart with randomized strategy-less power up boxes, there is a RTS-RPG-MMO-CHESS level power up system.

You see each color corresponds to a specific power up type

Red (guns)
Yellow (guns that shoot out of your ass)
Blue (shields (for bitches))
Green (the best choice 99% of the time)

Coloured bricks are upgraded by getting WHITE Bricks, and while normally its a simple battle of( more white = better) occasionally you'll want to quickly dispose of a yellow oil spill to grab a farther up green brick, or you'll avoid upgrading to tier 3 red so you can hook shot someone and gain some distance. I have been joking alot in this review but this system is genuinely fun and satisfyingly.

however if you have all 3 White bricks just grab green. green is rockets but tier 4 is a teleport with the sexiest VFX's in all of gaming. tier 4 green is broken and sexy~

I didn't even mention car building and feeling you get when you defeat a classic 90s Lego character in armed combat or the fact that in the GBA version of the sequel the final boss of this game is fucking suicidal because you beat him in the last game which is so meta and I love it.

Almost as good as lego islands 2 without the shitty load times.

Reviewed on Dec 02, 2022
