I think this is one of the greatest and most overhated games of all time. This is in fact my second favorite game ever made. The amount of love, detail, and soul put into this game has blown me away, as someone who admittedly did not give this game the time of day for the first couple of years it was out.

Once I finally gave this game a shot, I was in for a wild ride. I will keep spoilers as low as possible for this quick review, but man there is much to talk about. The gameplay has its issues at times, but honestly most of the time I struggled it was an actual skill issue. Missions I died on early in the game and get frustrated at had me returning post-game and sweeping through them easily. There is certainly a learning curve to being strategic in a shooter like this when you're surrounded, but once you finally overcome some encounters it feels REALLY good.

The music is out of this world. It's electric, moody, and makes you feel like you're in most heat filled moment of your entire life... in a VIDEOGAME! I can't stress how hearing music this crazy made me feel, especially once it drops out of the sound stage after beating an encounter. All of the combat music is so full of adrenaline that if you don't get hyped from it, nothing probably excites you. Definitely my favorite soundtrack ever.

The story. Oh man, the story. I won't say much here, but just prepare for one of the deepest emotional narratives you'll come across. It isn't one that will make you a crying wreck the entire time like some indie games, but it will touch you on a personal level. I think this game has one of the best examples of bonding with your protagonist. By the end of the game, I cared way too much about V.

This game really spoke to me, as someone who feels alone in the world at times. It felt like I really was living in Night City with V, as if we were hanging out together but never spoke a word to each other in conversation. Like I was just sitting up on her shoulders and experiencing her point of view in this messed up but poetically beautiful dystopia.

I love this game so much, and I can't wait to play Phantom Liberty. Thank you CD Projekt RED. <3

Reviewed on Sep 08, 2022
