God of War Ragnarök is a true gaming accomplishment. After God of War 2018, I honestly didn't think the sequel would be as good, despite 2018 very clearly being a setup game for this one. Santa Monica proved me wrong on all fronts, making a game with some of the best emotional storytelling I've witnessed.

Every character truly feels like a character with depth that could not be compared to anyone in our real world. Every single person feels real, and not like just an NPC that was programmed into the game. Emotions fly in all directions with some characters you don't even expect it. I felt the personal journey for several characters in this story, and I feel that it is hard for a game to consistently pull this off with more than a few characters.

The story is full of fun twists and set pieces that complement them, and the soundtrack is obviously breathtaking. As someone who has dabbled in almost all of Bear McCreary's work such as Outlander, Cloverfield, Godzilla KotM, and others... I have to admit this is his greatest work. And this game deserves it.

The combat in God of War is some of my favorite in the industry. Skill progression is rock solid and I found myself loving most of the abilities given to me for the weapons. I also give props to Ragnarök for not restricting the Blades of Chaos like most sequels would. I think a bad habit that regularly occurs in the industry is when sequels reset your character to 0 and try to fit in some plot device for it. Ragnarök shatters those expectations by wasting no time in giving you these blades for your entire journey. I respect that choice.

I felt every single amount of emotion this game pushed for me to experience. It is certainly a journey I won't ever forget. I expect this to be the end of God of War for some time, similar to the amount of time between 3 and 2018, but if we get more, I'll gladly play it day 1. This is a must play game for anyone who likes action and fiction with heart and soul poured in. Santa Monica is full of creative talent, and this is my GOTY.

P.S.: Shoutout to the camerawork tho

Reviewed on Dec 21, 2022
