Resident Evil 3, while enjoyable, falls short of its potential. It's quite apparent that this remake is a watered-down version of the original game, even if you haven't played the original. The truncated gameplay is a huge letdown, and it's hard to believe that the original game was only about four hours long. Even though I got it at a discounted price of $15, I can sympathize with the fans' frustration at having to pay the full price of $60. Hence, I strongly advise against buying it at full price.

One area where the game struggles is in its incorporation of Nemesis. Unlike the effectively terrifying Mr. X in RE2, Nemesis only appears in scripted areas and only a couple of them are true chase sequences. At first, his ability to sprint up to you and close the gaps was terrifying, but once I realized he wouldn't appear randomly after the next encounter, I lost that sense of fear and realized what kind of game I was in for. Although a minor gripe, the lack of costume options was a disappointment to me, as RE2 had a greater variety to choose from for both Leon and Claire.

Despite these shortcomings, Resident Evil 3 still delivers a solid experience. As someone who was playing with Jill Valentine for the first time, I found myself falling in love with her character from the beginning, and I was left wanting more of her story by the time the game ended. The game's focus on action sequences is a blast to watch, but it can throw you off if you're not used to the high energy levels. The chemistry between Jill and Carlos is top-notch, and the included dodge mechanic adds another layer of fun and experimentation.

Resident Evil 3 Remake isn't the best game in the RE series, and it pales in comparison to RE2. It's not worth paying full price for it, and I strongly recommend waiting for a sale to get your money's worth. Even after achieving all the goals in 11 hours, I can't justify the full price point. It feels more like a standalone DLC than an actual sequel game, similar to titles like TLOU: Left Behind or inFamous First Light, and should have been priced accordingly.

Reviewed on Mar 28, 2023
