After my recent 2018 replay, it was guaranteed I was going to touch upon Miles Morales again. With a fresh perspective and a hungry eye for detail, I found myself pleasantly surprised by this game on revisit and had arguably even more fun than the first time I played. Although the game's story stumbles in early pacing and borrows familiar elements, Miles Morales ultimately triumphs with its addictive combat mechanics and a tantalizing glimpse of what's to come in Marvel's Spider-Man 2.

Upon revisiting Miles Morales, I quickly realized that my initial impressions didn't do justice to the game's true potential. While the first couple of hours might feel a bit rough, the story gradually finds its footing, unraveling a narrative that, contrary to popular opinion, deserves recognition. Yes, some elements may seem borrowed from the first game, but they are utilized in a way that enriches Miles Morales' personal journey, giving it a sense of continuity and growth. It's also a type of narrative that fits perfectly in a coming-of-age startup story for a superhero, especially when you consider this is probably written with a smaller team while the bigger ones work on Spider-Man 2.

One of the standout aspects of Miles Morales lies in the exhilarating combat mechanics. The introduction of Venom powers adds a whole new dimension to the web-slinging superhero's abilities. The seamless integration of these powers makes combat addictive and electrifying, as players unleash devastating attacks that showcase Miles' unique skill set. The fluidity and sheer satisfaction of chaining together electrifying combos make every encounter a joy to experience. I couldn't quite get over the particle effects from each Venom punch and tackle, especially on my QLED TV where colors are brought to life. This game was a treat for the eyes.

While Miles Morales' combat is undeniably thrilling, it doesn't render the combat of the 2018 Spider-Man game completely inferior. Rather, it complements it. The arsenal of gadgets in the first game remains an essential component, offering a different tactical approach to combat situations. Although there is a very small scale approach to the gadget arsenal in this game, I think once Spider-Man 2 comes around, it's going to be expanded upon in detail, and the difference between Miles and Peter playstyles will be full of depth and variety.

My replay of Spider-Man Miles Morales provided me with a renewed appreciation for the game's improvements and its often-underestimated storytelling prowess. While it stumbles in its initial hours and occasionally borrows elements from its predecessor, the addictive combat fueled by Venom powers and the seamless integration with 2018's gameplay make it a captivating experience. Even though 2018 is much better in most departments, I have to give props for Miles Morales giving the character a great condensed adventure on the big screen. It is undeniable there was some inspiration from Into The Spider-Verse in many ways, and I'm glad it was done this way. With the imminent release of Marvel's Spider-Man 2, the future looks incredibly bright for the franchise, leaving me absolutely buzzing with anticipation.

Reviewed on Jul 17, 2023
