My first ever side game for the Pokemon franchise. Taking a break from the mainline games, I wanted to try something new for Pokemon, that being another RPG side series. While I should have started this with Stadium 1 & 2 on N64, I'll get around to playing those soon now that they're on Switch. But back to Colosseum.

Pokemon Colosseum is like the Stadium games but with a story attached to it. I never really did battle mode until the end of the game where I did this all for a single But the story takes place in the Orre region as you play as Wes, an ex Team Snagem member who wants to stop team snagem's shenanigans and along the way, foils the plans of Team Cipher. While Snagem plan on stealing Pokemon, Cipher plans on closing the Pokemon's hearts and turn them into fighting machines; Shadow Pokemon.

This story was a breath of fresh air for the Pokemon games up to this point back in 2004. Since you no longer played a kid wanting to become champion of the region and to catch every Pokemon. However, while the story was alright, it kinda lost me after a bit, but we'll get to why I kinda just zoned out with the story near the end.

The gameplay is pretty much the same combat wise from the main games, only except you are in double battles ONLY. There are also no wild Pokemon to encounter in this game. So how do you get more Pokemon for your team? You have to literally steal shadow Pokemon from certain trainers to keep them in your team, and there are 48 of them in the game. One thing that you have to do to actually use the Pokemon is to purify the aura around them by either using them in fights, walking around, using the day care, or using scents to massage it. Each time the bar goes down, the Pokemon learns more of its moves and when empty, becomes available with no problems.

The Shadow Pokemon are a cool concept but they have flaws. They can only use Shadow Rush which deals some damage but always causes recoil. It sucks when you try to catch them and they faint themselves after you lower their health. But my real big problem with this game is the difficulty spike. I'm up for a challenge every now and then, but when a boss jumps up 8 levels than what I have, that's annoying. That's more time I have to spend grinding exp just to stand a chance. And that's what I basically defined as in the other half...a grindfest.

The first half of the game, I was enjoying it so much and I got why people have so much nostalgia for this game. But the moment I encounter a big jump in levels, that was when I was starting to not have fun anymore and just saw this game as a grindfest. With exp, with purification, and even with money. It dragged on so long for me. Here's hoping that XD fixes these issues when I play it next.

Reviewed on Jan 21, 2024
