With a rather cool, yet disappointing first wave for the DLC, I was having high hopes that Side Order would be the next Octo Expansion from the last game. And the second wave was...okay.

The story without going too much into detail, is that it follows back with Agent 8, our trusty Octoling who is wondering what happened with Inkopolis Square; the hub world from Splatoon 2. Alongside that, you are reunited with Pearl who is now a drone, and later on Marina, who was prisoner behind this new threat. And now it is up to you to save Inkopolis.

Now in terms of gameplay, is it like the mission structure from Splatoon 2's DLC and like base game Splat3? No. This is a roguelike campaign where you have to survive through hordes of enemies called Jelletons and reach the final boss at the top of the tower. If you lose all your lives, you start all over again. You meet up with Acht who takes you up one floor at a time, with each floor based on what you choose.

The tasks themselves are mediocre as they are fun to figure out what to do, and some are even based on online modes like splat zones, tower control, etc., but after you have played them all, they become somewhat mindless. The only thing engaging with them after the amount of runs through them are the difficulty choices and the variants of each task based on the room.

You gain Membux based on clearing the floor and you can use them for buying stuff at the vending machines, or keep them for when you fail. Upon failing, they turn into Prlz that can be used for acquiring upgrades like increased damage, more slots for Pearl to use weapons, or even more lives and a continue.

However, the real fun is the replayability. With each 'palette' gives you different weapons and more chances of seeing certain colours for boosts. Some of these are incredibly broken, like the charger takes purple colours and with a combination of quick charge, boosted damage from a distance, and homing shots, you can easily make it into the final room. Speaking of bosses, they are mind-numbingly easy as I think these are more simple than the base game's bosses. The final boss was the only one to give a hard time, but with a combination like that? A literal joke.

If you are talented at the game, you could potentially beat this DLC on your first run. But, I don't think you will be able to, as with no upgrades, this is a hard trek. Does this wave increase my thoughts on the Splatoon 3 DLC being a little bit worthless? Or is it actually the saving grace? I honestly think this is what the DLC was for honestly. Although it is short, this is a fun DLC to play through

Reviewed on Mar 02, 2024
