It's incredible the contrast between the original and this one. When I've played the NES Metroid I felt that the game didn't aged well at all and at the moment it's the worst game on the franchise (at least before I play Federation Force and Other M). As for Zero Mission, it's the best 2D Metroid game I've flayed so far

The map layout is great, and the new graphic and sounds made each area more unique (and more beautiful too). The movement is also perfect, and for me the best the series had for the 2D games

My only real problem is that the game have too much missile upgrades (at least for my liking). If I remember correctly, in less than 30 minutes I was already with 80 missiles total

They've basically picked the story of the first Metroid and put it in a game with the best of Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion. There is almost nothing to complain, and the only thing I found was a problem just to myself

Reviewed on Feb 15, 2024
