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OOOOOOOO this is a hard sell. There is so much to love with this, the amount of interactivity is really making me feel immersed, but as others have mentioned its undercut by a fair bit of bugginess that prevents it from hitting the high notes that it really deserves to hit.

A few times I got spotted through a closed door, and one time the guard stood at the entrance way repeating the same lines, and wouldn't leave. It caused me to have to just run out and get spotted, but I ran away and there were 0 consequences from that anyway? I've had issues printing things since the UI wouldn't let me print (which is integral to the game's progress). Otherwise, the game's voice acting and characters are a bit choppy, but easily looked past.

With all that said, I think I'd recommend this in a deep sale. I got this via Humble Choice, and I'm going to keep playing this (hence my recommendation). The concept of everything running in real time is great, it's one of the few games that make me feel like I'm really investigating with actual time working against me (like dead rising!). I do wish there was a mode which let you quick save though, the game either requires you dedicate time to it, or you leave the game running if you need to do other stuff.

I just wish it had a bigger budget to make the game a bit slicker and to meet their ambition, hopefully White Paper Games get more to work with for their future games!