This game has more in common with a 3D platformer than with any Pikmin game. That's not a bad thing at all, this game is awesome and incredibly polished.

100%'d this one with my girlfriend. By far the most challenging we've played, taking into consideration the 3DS entries as well. Mega Picross takes the most playtime but I had great fun with the challenge.

Co-op is absolutely outstanding and worth the entry price. Not many co-op puzzle games out there. Having 3 SINGLE-PLAYER CAMPAIGNS on top of that is insane. So much value here, a pure puzzle game that is as creative as much as it is lovely and well-crafted.

No one will believe us when we tell them how good this educational/advertising game is, but it is. And it is free, so there's that.

Played this rough gem and 100%'d it. Didn't lose its novelty. A tough game for sure but plays like a dream, really polished but also very restricted movement-wise. With remarkable music and lovely visuals, took me around 5-7 hours to beat.

Ridiculously simple yet so addictive. Like a sip of soda. Can't wait to get Suika 99.

This is to the original as The Lost Levels is to Super Mario Bros.

Barely anything new, no new ideas or gameplay mechanics. It's the same game, but harder. Of course, these are brand new levels, and the bosses are a new concept to the franchise (I seem to remember). However, beyond that, I was a little dissapointed in this.

The first one was a surprise banger when I tried it one or two years ago. Finally got around to play this one only to find the very same elements, all environments look the same, but thing took me almost 4 times to beat than the first one, just because they decided to ramp up the difficulty to eleven?

Yeah, I beat this game in 25 hours or so, the first one was around 7 for me. Both have roughly the same amount of levels.

I didn't even bother with finding the secret characters as they are the kind of secrets that aren't meant to be found, but looked up online.

However, this is still a good game. Mechanics are solid enough. There are no malfunctions to speak of. I liked the bosses, even if some of them are very hard, some others are real highlights.

This would have worked more as a DLC. I guess it's in the name.

Some of its writing isn't stellar, some of it made me laugh out loud at midnight, some of it is brilliant. Isn't that life itself?

But seriously, this had the potential to be a real piece. Instead, it's a food game. I meant to write good game, but I literally played it while eating so that's a good way to describe it. Took me around 4 and a half hours. I loved it, however for objectiveness' sake, it's just a well-made story that stumbles sometimes.


This is an oddly entertaining, kinda Snake-like maybe, puzzle game.

There are some serious difficulty spikes, coming mostly from the many ways to solve some specific levels. I realized at certain point those levels were just too much for me and looked up a guide when I wasn't able to solve those. I'd say it ended up being around 4-5 total (out of the 63 levels). Which is commendable, but I'd love to be able to solve those levels myself. It just felt at those points, the options were so many, the levels were too open, no clear point to start or end the "eating". Poor level design for those? Did I just miss something? Can't really tell, but I tried.

Besides that, this is a solid puzzle game. On the Switch, it controls best with touch controls. It's satisfrying indeed. Sometimes more frying that satis but oh well. Mostly recommended for hardcore puzzle fans. Kind of what happened to me after I tried Tetris for the first time, I ended up thinking about how to optimize my eating path a little too much when I wasn't playing. That's always a good thing.

What a lovely concept for a puzzle game. I just couldn't stop playing and ended up finishing it in a single sitting. I never do that!

I'm really excited to play whatever the developer does next. It took me 3 hours to beat and I 100%ed it. Every secret is findable if you look hard enough except for world 13 (it's level 4 and you have to GO BACK GO BACK!)

This game is the ABSOLUTE definition of wasted potential.

It has top-notch world-building, art and sound design. Even when I wasn't completely sold on the universe they built, I couldn't help but admire it. Even if there were holes in the lore, I was eager to learn more.

There are, however, inconsistencies in other departments. By inconsistencies, I mean utter failures. And those other departments are the story, the gameplay and the characters.

The one that, I could agree, is more up to debate, is the characters' department. There are plenty of reasons to love them. To me, however, they are actual psychopaths incapable of self evaluation most of the time. I STILL LIKE THEM, but their choices and lack of growth are nausating at best.

The gameplay and the story are far less redeemable. I liked the RNG elements, they were interesting and mostly non-intrusive. I enjoyed the resource management and the map exploration. I didn't mind missing items because of the RNG. I DREADED the 2D side-scrolling exploration because it was a "move to the right" snooze fest most of the time. There were some sections that were smart and creative but there were very few of those. The puzzles can't be called puzzles by any means. At all. So this leaves the gameplay side of the game in a very unbalanced position I'd say.

And the story. God darn it, the story. The only reason I didn't fully hate the story is because the characters are too damn likable. I guess it's not the story what I hate so much but the characters' motivations, which I find to be a cliche of a cliche. And that ending... what a waste.

However this is a remarkable game. It is truly outstanding that the game doesn't collapse by the weight of an awful narrative and poor gameplay decisions. It's just built on a very sturdy art direction. I just wish, when developing the game, they'd spent half of the time refinating the story instead of the lore.

You may not believe me but it took me more than 25 hours to beat. I explored everything there was in the map. I still liked my time with the game but I'm unsure about going back and playing the rest of the Opus series.

Anyone saying this is a short game didn't play the hard levels. No, it doesn't just get rid of the markup feature. They are kind of mirror levels. Some are the same, some are similar but solved differently.

The core game does take around 3-5 hours at most to beat. The rest is made up of the hard levels and the final level of them took me like 2 hours by itself. It took me AT LEAST 12 hours total to 100% beat the game.

Going to the game itself, I was in awe. Ever since playing Picross and the hidden gem Sorry, James that I haven't been this engrossed by a puzzle-numbers game. Every 15 levels a new mechanic is introduced and I couldn't believe my eyes.

This is a work of genius. This isn't Sudoku meets hexagons, this is Sudoku meets God. If you love puzzles, that is.

Played through NSO. It was some fun 20 minutes or so, cycling through levels around 3-4 times. I had played this in my childhood before in a rip-off console, so I'm glad I was finally able to properly beat it, and surprised with the controls that aren't too bad.

You get what was promised. Besides some hiccups with the puzzles here and there, even needing to look up a guide twice, this was an absolute blast. I need more escape room games now.

Played the whole game in split screen co-op, and we ran out of time at least three times so I hope they do modify the timer for single and co-op games, because I'd say two would solve faster than a single person right?

Anyways, as much as the gameplay shines the story is certainly lacking, though serviceable.

Played through Xbox Game Pass.

One of the top dogs when it comes to local co-op games that is insanely overlooked. This should be Overcooked levels of popularity. Of course, it's also just a reflex-based puzzler, so measure your expectations. Also, although it's possible, I can't imagine playing this in single player. I think I'd clinically insane. To this day, me and my group are still missing maxing a level to 3 stars. And haven't bought the DLC yet, because...

If this made you and your fellow conductors lose it, then you are NOT prepared for Fly TOGETHER!, this game's spiritual sequel. It's like a thousand times harder, no exaggerating. And it has motion controls. Such hidden gems.