Joining the train of, why in the world is this set having achievements for getting to rediculous scores?? 1000 is acceptable, but the other 2?! Requires too much luck in a game that statistically is stacked against you, while you basically have no grip over this. Do not waste your time on this one!

Funny first game achievements. The second one can be tricky if you still need to get used to the patterns. I had fun :)

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I must say. it's a game that loses it's respect a little when attempting to master. Ball angle is not determined by the position of the paddle it bounces on, but is actually pre-determined based on the number of bounces it has been. That becomes extremely apparent when you try to go for 1000 points on mode 7(which is not even the easiest mode to do that on in my experience). Regardless, it does feel satisfying to master, and shouldn't take you more than a couple hours

I'll still like to play this over MW3

Actually not a bad game if you look it up on

I mean... It's alright.. Prolly will never play it again but it's alright..