If you can see past the heavy content, Wonderful Everyday truly is a live changing experience.

Not a long read, but not a short one either. I read it all in about a week and a half. It's a great visual novel with very intricate meta elements.

It's a short, but disturbing read. I did enjoy the themes of the game, but it's a little hard to care for the barely fleshed-out side characters.

A very short read. You can finish it in less than thirty minutes. Milk 1 is a very weird atmospheric visual novel that leaves plenty for interpretation. I didn't enjoy it that much, but I also didn't hate it.
Not sure if I'd recommend it for many, but you should try it.

Quite a short read, you can finish it in up to one or two hours. Perhaps three if you go for all endings. Milk 2 follows a different aesthetic from the first game but still maintains its signature eerie atmosphere. The story is more developed here, but expect to have many questions unanswered by the end of the novel.

This is a very long visual novel, expect to spend a couple of months reading the question arcs.
This novel is a horror murder mystery. The first four arcs give you all the mysteries and the last four arcs answer them. I recommend trying to formulate theories and share them with friends. It makes the experience much more interesting.