This review was written before the game released

Why is there a 2 on this game again?

This game is genuinely embarrassing to the Mario Kart name. The graphics and controls are the worst the series has ever been.


It is crazy how much one video game can fall off. This used to be amazing several years ago when it wasn't as blatantly pay to win. Imagine combining elements of Minecraft with MMOs and that is essentially what you have here. I really like Minecraft so this was a fantastic experience when I first played it. You could explore various worlds based on difficulty and you could also make your own world and invite friends to it. Now, the fun parts of the game don't matter as much when most of the time you will be grinding your ass off or draining your wallet to get to the fun.

I generally avoid playing bad games, but I actually had the displeasure of completing this one.

The first problem you will encounter is that every button does the same thing. You'll put on a suit and you'll realize that you can only do one thing with each costume, and that a lot of the suits do the same thing. Some of these costumes could have easily been mixed together to have multiple actions or have an upgrade path instead. That isn't even the worst part of the game.

The worst part is easily the dumbass Balan Bouts where you watch a cutscene and press a button at the correct time in succession. These are required to get all the collectables in the game and if you miss the perfect timing window even once, you have to complete the level and try again. Actually, I'm pretty sure you have to beat the boss to reset the chapter in order to do it again. There are 48 of these painful events in the game and you will find that you would rather go out and lay in the street than do one of those again.

This might be the worst game I have ever played and the only way I can recommend that someone even touch this game is if it is available for free, whether it is given to you by a poor soul who wanted to rid themselves of such a burden or available through a subscription like Game Pass/PS Plus. This game was $60 at launch and thankfully someone at Square Enix had a brain and decided to permanently lower it to $40. That is still way too much and they should be ashamed for asking for any amount of money for this. Do everyone a favor and make it free permanently so that people can play it for five minutes or challenge themselves to 100% it.

This game should get a successor that is actually a full game. It is definitely something you should play when you buy a PS5.

This game was limited time and that was its biggest problem.