When I got to the point of no return I decided to finish the game and then go back to do everything else. However, after seeing how V and Johnny’s story ends I kind of don’t want to anymore. I can’t really describe how I feel but somehow I think that’s exactly the kind of the feeling CDPR was going for. Without any spoilers, the ending that I chose fits with the tone of the story but damn it really encompasses the idea of night city sucking you in and spitting out the scraps. I’m still going to go back and do phantom liberty at some point, but nothing else.

I’m glad that I waited to play this game virtually bug free and in the best state it’s been because I was able to just let myself get sucked into the story and world of the game enjoying the ride until the very end.

P.S. I love Haboobs

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2024
