Galaxy 2 is a worthy successor to the beloved and critically acclaimed Galaxy 1. G2 works and doesn't work in following up G1 in a few ways. The music instead of an atmospheric space journey with both fun and quiet or emotional pieces, goes full blast epic with the OST. Lots of high energy pieces to match with the increase in energy for the gameplay. The galaxies in this game are a quantity over quality case where we have a bunch of galaxies with interesting ideas that we just don't spend a lot of time on, or just straight up filler galaxies like Boss Blitz and Stone Cyclone. I'd love a version of this game with condensed, more developed galaxies as some of these "galaxies" are just a couple, if not one planet. I wouldn't really classify any of these as bad, I spent almost a whole weekend playing nothing but G2 and didn't get sick of it. The green stars are another mixed bag. I love the concept of exploring levels in unconventional ways with the movement and power-up system, but some of the stars like Boulder Bowl's are just nonsense. You are in the same opening area and just mosey off the ledge for 2/3. I'm ok collecting everything for the completionism reward feeling as well as the final challenge galaxy. This game is great, but has a few pretty aching sore spots conceptually

Reviewed on Apr 25, 2023
