The first big game from Daniel Mullins (the guy that made Inscryption), so people kinda always hyped it a little bit for me. But for most of it, I went in pretty “blind”, the only thing I knew is that the game is for sure not what it sounds like.

And even then, almost everything about it surprised me, the story, the numerous endings and how different they are from each other, the visuals, the characters, the music, and the list goes on. I think mostly the only 2 things that kinda bummed me out were the fact that at the end of the game, the mechanics get a little too repetitive (and if you add extra runs for platinum, oh boy…) and how shallow said mechanics are.

Overall, a really good game, and, considering how cheap it gets on sale, I’d recommend it. But keep in mind that it is not for everyone and it can be “meh” if you’re not the type. For me, even not liking the style that much, was worth it, so I went for platinum (and got it)!

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2023
