3 Reviews liked by MrRacotero

The game to send to the aliens.

To remind ourselves why we play videogames. In case we ever forget.



This game shouldn't be as good as it is.
a direct and cheap mix of MAX PAYNE or Stranglehold but without objective missions, no restrictions on slow bullet time and a Chinese sword to hit melee on the ground or in the air, wait, there is more Mike, you can run up the walls while shooting , slide across the ground while shooting, jump while shooting, bounce off walls while shooting, bounce off enemies while shooting in the air, drink a mojito while shooting in the air well not really but you get the point, what is not a good point is the platform a-la Tomb Raider Underworld, that is shit.
It could be argued that the Grindhouse aesthetic is a disguise to supplement its cheap production and that the Sino-American exploitation is ornament, and it is, but the cospley fits so well that the loading times masked in suburban movie ads are delicious to me, It reminds me of those games like Project Minerva, GERMS, The Simple series and all those.Everything cheap about this game is delicious to me because it achieves what many other megacorp shooters (I stole the name from the Ratchet and Clank saga) cannot achieve, a very fine ballet choreography of shots and sabers in arenas with many possibilities, without pressure but with all the pleasure
In late of the 2000s the HD development was barely HD due to the increase in costs, most of the small studios went bankrupt or were absorbed and restructured, although so many companies financed small or medium projects.
Some faced HD, others were megacorps, others were in Japan (those practically died).

I have also a crush on
Eliza Dushku, since i was a boy

The fuck are you thinking people ??

videogamers and companies are blind .