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Jan 07

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First completed game of 2024!

I wish i was a better writer, with a bigger vocabulary and a more eloquent diction, to put my thoughts on here more clearly, nonetheless i will attempt to anyway. My goodness its actually insane a game released in 1993 could be this good. I always knew DOOM was like, one of the pillars of classic gaming and forefather/pioneer of the shooter genre but to sit down and finally play it was truly a worthwhile experience.

I guess the first thing i would want to briefly talk about is the atmosphere of DOOM from the soundtrack and level design. From the first level start, At Doom's Gate is just so good and thoroughly tells you what the gameplay should be like. hardcore, fast, and visceral. (Sign of Evil was my favorite piece of music in the soundtrack) The atmosphere that comes through the level design, the Aliens/ HR Giger scifi structures that dominate the early levels slowly giving way to the unfathomable grotesque depths of hell was such a cool and well executed idea. i just really loved those two aspects of the game and needed to say that.

The gameplay itself, being so fast paced, geninuely left me feeling quite jarred when i return to play my more current fps multiplayers. I loved the speed at which you moved, looked around blasting holes through the undead and demons alike. I did find it pretty funny how much I kept going back to the shotgun only really ever switching to the chaingun and plasma rifle during boss battles or whenever I randomly triggered an ambush by hitting a button or switch, moving to a certain tile or whatever. It just feels so damn good to use the shotty. Just a big man with a gun mowing down hellspawn. The other guns were fine, pistol starting in the later levels was a bit ass but they all felt like they served a purpose. I just enjoyed the shotgun more.

As for the levels themselves I cant really say anything too insightful as theres plently more people online who can talk about it much better from a programming and design perspective, but as someone who hasnt really put the hours into alot of older games pre 2004, it was really nice to just be given a map, some slots in the UI for keys and being told to figure it out. Sometimes i would walk by a button or switch since its flat against the wall and take another 5 minutes backtracking through the level to see if i missed something. I remember one map in particular the last room had a blood/hell floor and 2 teleporters and a button next to one of them to raise the pathway to walk to the exit. I did not see the button because I was too worried about taking constant damage from being in the blood/hell floor so i spent 15 minutes reworking the whole map before i saw the button. Another extremely unpleasant experience was the 2nd to last level in Episode 3, which if I could tactfully summarize was basically like Miyazaki's arbitrary swamp level in 1993. Other than that, very fun to explore the nice open ended levels. Very proud I manage to find the secret exit in one of the maps by aiming a goddamn missile at a wall and having it send me across the room.

The enemies were pretty cool. Felt like the initial undead enemies were honestly more difficult to deal with than most of the demons. They were pretty good shots. Im like pretty sure I took more damage from the shotgun guy than any other enemy. The demons with projectiles were relatively easy to dodge their attacks. (so to remedy this they just put more of them in smaller and smaller rooms with you) Pinkies are goddamn terrifying when you die and pistol start, but besides that easy enough. Spectres are just the developers trying to ruin your eyes, very fun. I enjoyed my fights with the Barons of Hell and Cyberdemon, even though they are very simple. Cacodemons I couldnt take serious because they just look like meatballs and Lost Souls were annoying little guys. I would want one as a pet. The final boss, Spider Mastermind chewed me up the first few times as hes really quick with his chaingun but once you just get into groove youll be moving around fast enough to not get clipped.

All of this combined to being just a very satisfying experience for me. Glad to have played this and am looking forward to just downing more of the boomer shooters and more of the DOOM series. Losing a half star because of the Miyazaki swamp.