Log Status






Time Played

27h 44m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 3, 2023

First played

October 18, 2023

Platforms Played


Wanted to give Rogue another shot, as I only rushed through the story in the original version. I do remember why now. it is a very short story, and it is minuscule compared to the amount of side content in this game. it is not too bad of a story, really, and the ending is still cool/was half mind blowing having played Unity first.

the problem is this game just doesn't feel as fun to play, for some reason. you could make the case that the naval combat is better than in black flag but for some reason I just didn't want to do it. none of the side content feels good to play really. perhaps its just the sentiment that this would have made a great DLC if they had not bloated it with side content to make it a full game release. I think the parkour might be the worst in the series, as far as going where you want/should/expect to go. it almost feels as if they dumbed down the parkour to make the game "longer"-- which doesn't make any sense, but that's a thought I had while playing..

all that being said, halfway through the story and having done my usual AC quantity of side content by that point, I was thinking that I would just plow through the rest of the story and be done with it...but little did I know I would end up doing a lot of the side content..and not totally hating it.. part of it comes from the achievement hunter part of me (which I am trying to stamp out) and the other was just wanting to get the Morrigan upgraded, cause it looks fuckin awesome when its fully upgraded and with the templar sails.

Other positives:
- the treasure maps are more accurate than black flag; the coordinates take you directly to the dig site, not just the location on the map, where you then have to find the picture on the map. so that was nice.

- got some real good outfits, James Gunn being my favorite.

- James Cook and Hope favorite characters.

- Penguins.

And with that, the proverbial, dumb, self-imposed weight of my assassins creed backlog is off my proverbial shoulders. No longer will I look upon my backlog and see remnants of an assassins creed fire sale, full of games I’ve played before. No longer will I see an Assman creed game releasing and say no I cannot purchase you, for I still have assman creed games in my backlog. I have played all the assman creeds prior to Valhalla, and if they were released twice, I’ve played them twice (and how). But those days are over, all the old titles are now laid to rest. I now have only Valhalla and Mirage on the horizon. Though they may be fended off by my overall backlog, it will no longer be assman on assman crime.