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i 100% percented this game since i love spider-man
beginning and ending are superb story crafting and shows insomniac's dedication to this character's legacy
the middle suffers alot as it just speeds through kravens entire storyline and peter's time with the black suit in order to get to venom, which really upsets me as this kraven should've been given the respect he deserves.
i fully expected to have more missions where we would try to stop kraven from killing other villains like taskmaster or vulture, not just scorpion and black cat. they're just killed off-screen which is a bummer
only other bad thing is that god-awful suit they gave miles they better get rid of that shit istg
still good game overall

Reviewed on Oct 24, 2023


7 months ago

The middle section was the best part of the game. It showed Peter's fall from grace with his aggression overcoming him, as well as his growing attachment to the suit itself. Kraven also got a lot of development; he also gets more flushed out in the hunter side missions. I also see others complain that Venom didn't get enough development, which doesn't make sense considering that Venom's development is Harry's development. He also had a similarly good fall from grace, which is further emphasized by his transforming from the more controlled Agent Venom to the beastly and chaotic Venom. The only section of the game I had any problems with was the final act. It didn't go on long enough; it was still good, but if it were even 2 hours longer, it would have been an improvement. Also, yeah, the new Miles suit is garbage.

7 months ago

@EmberUlt maybe i need to have a go again and just do the main story, but aside from the chameleon stuff i think all of that kraven development should've been packaged in with the main story
also while i do agree with you about the black suit and the symbiote, imo it was too fast and they needed to slow it down. peter needed more time in the suit, at least an hour or two more

i actually didn't mind the final act, at least story wise but i will agree with you it needed to be a tad longer, like ive seen some ppl suggest that we should've gotten a chase scene with anti-venom pete leading venom to midtown high where ur constantly trying to get him off of you. that would've been cool

7 months ago

@MrSexGuy I do agree that Kraven's backstory should've been packaged in the main story, but the way it was done wasn't that bad, and he already had pretty effective characterization from the various missions where you hear his voice logs. Kraven is another character that isn't that complicated, so the way they handled his character wasn't bad at all. I also agree that Insomniac should've spent more time with Peter in the suit, mostly because symbiote Spider-Man is one of my favorite characters in general and is very interesting as a concept. However, they nailed all the points a symbiote story should have. Added powers: feeling more energized and generally feeling great; mood swings; symbiote using Peter's body while Peter is asleep; symbiote evolving as it spends more time with Peter, strengthening the bond; the symbiote talks to Peter, influencing his actions; he pushes away his friends; he is more ruthless. Of course they could've spent more time on it, but the time the game did take up was used in a pretty effective manner, even if the game itself does run shorter than I'd hoped for. On the note of the chase scene, that definitely could have helped with the short-feeling third act. I didn't mind the final act either, but with them going to the Web of Shadows route and having the city infested with symbiotes, they should have spent more time in the symbiote-infested city to further emphasize how much of a threat venom is and just generally have more time to set the tone.