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i 100% percented this game since i love spider-man
beginning and ending are superb story crafting and shows insomniac's dedication to this character's legacy
the middle suffers alot as it just speeds through kravens entire storyline and peter's time with the black suit in order to get to venom, which really upsets me as this kraven should've been given the respect he deserves.
i fully expected to have more missions where we would try to stop kraven from killing other villains like taskmaster or vulture, not just scorpion and black cat. they're just killed off-screen which is a bummer
only other bad thing is that god-awful suit they gave miles they better get rid of that shit istg
still good game overall

this is the greatest game of all time

never played it but its fucking named dave the diver
ur kidding urself if im not giving this at least 4.5 stars from the get go
im gonna name my kid after dave
the diver will be their middle name
even if it's a girl they'll be named dave idc
if they come out as trans i wouldn't care either, they're gonna be named after the greatest game of all time

that ive never played
god this is awesome