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i 100% percented this game since i love spider-man
beginning and ending are superb story crafting and shows insomniac's dedication to this character's legacy
the middle suffers alot as it just speeds through kravens entire storyline and peter's time with the black suit in order to get to venom, which really upsets me as this kraven should've been given the respect he deserves.
i fully expected to have more missions where we would try to stop kraven from killing other villains like taskmaster or vulture, not just scorpion and black cat. they're just killed off-screen which is a bummer
only other bad thing is that god-awful suit they gave miles they better get rid of that shit istg
still good game overall

this is the greatest game of all time

never played it but its fucking named dave the diver
ur kidding urself if im not giving this at least 4.5 stars from the get go
im gonna name my kid after dave
the diver will be their middle name
even if it's a girl they'll be named dave idc
if they come out as trans i wouldn't care either, they're gonna be named after the greatest game of all time

that ive never played
god this is awesome

i roleplayed as the greatest buster sword wielder known to mankind, "Alphonso Hotman". my partner was a gunlance giga chad aptly named "GigaChad". this was the most fun we've had in an rpg ever, this shit is fucking hype as hell.

i love my little palico and if any harm were to come to it i think i might just go blow up a gas station as recompense

fuck bazelgeuse or basilgoose or whatever u call that mf tho
that and deviljohn fuck them both

10 hours in and i just didn't mesh with it
idk why, i like assassins' creed, i like vikings. should've been an easy bag.
maybe i need to give it another go, but it wasn't like origins or odyssey where it hit the ground running immediately and just didn't stop.
idk man


sable wil be the most fun you have doing basically nothing in ur entire life
you just go through deserts chilling on ur fucking hoverbike and yet somehow they made that fun i don't know how its actual witchcraft
the music is so soothing to my ears as well i just listen to it when im working or doing other stuff its so good
this game fucks so hard man just buy it u won't regret it

aldia sounds like a sojyak incel every time words come out of his teeth-clattering mouth (br*tish) but godamn i love him so much
dialogue is fucking great in this game
sucks that some of the bosses are bad :(

i did the first part of japan and then i got bored
idk might play again but fuck me how do u make being a samurai boring

"ty mr howard" i say, as i sob into my dead-skin crusted and dust-covered keyboard, as he yet delivers another "it just works" rpg unto the masses.
i can't run starfield

this might be worse than overwatch tbh

just can't mesh with the combat
still looks fun tho

fuck this as well only redeeming thing about it is that lucio is a character in this godforsaken game
if lucio didn't exist this would be the hypothetical 10th circle in dante's inferno fuck blizzard and fuck booby kotich the human thumb looking mf