Anyone who knows me knows I love the Sunless series so I jumped at the chance to play something in that world again.

The central mystery is well done, not overly frustrating and fits into the kind of stories Failbetter loves to tell. Given that my primary reason for going into this was more Fallen London stuff I got exactly what I came for, and setting it just after the fall was a nice change in perspective.

The "build a narrative using clues to unlock questions" central mechanic is something I feel like they could return to in the future.

The worst part is the dating aspect, which is horribly blunt and honestly could have been cut entirely. I think the idea here was to avoid the common dating sim pitfall of "I was just trying to be nice and now this NPC I have no interest in wont leave me alone". But it leaves every romance feeling unearned and removed any obligation for the writing to actually build the connections required for this aspect to work.

Still, if as I do you don't particularly care about that and just want more Victorian weirdness you should definitely try this one out.

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2024
