This is a winner that's going to get buried by poor naming choices and Paradox's rubbish publishing arm.

Imagine all the sweeping scope and interesting choices of a typical 4x game without all the tedious micromanaging and you've got Nexus 5x (the Extra x stands for Exxpress ((The extra X is a typo)).

Lots of different factions that play differently, and each of those have leaders that further change the way you will approach problems. I love, love, love asymmetric games in this style and it really delivers here.

A whole multiplayer game takes maybe 2-3 hours tops if you have a lot of players who like thinking through their choices.

As of writing this is an early access title but absolutely feels like a proper release. I'd honestly be satisfied if they just cleaned up the UI a bit.

Reviewed on Mar 21, 2024
