my childhood game on the switch with an amazing new mode on the side. I would LOVE a full game in the style of the magalor mode it was so much fun

I still dont understand the hate... i think it looks so much better than violet and I hope they go back to this cartoony style instead of whatever they were going for in violet

I am so glad Nintendo made this game its very fun. I recently replayed the story mode and it still holds up.

Best rougelike behind issac. fun to play alone and with friends. very excited for the upcoming DLC : )

The game I have replayed the most and one of if not the first games I ever played (it was way after it released though)

I tried persona 5 and 4 before and got distracted from them but when this came out on gamepass I tried it and I got so invested I beat most of it in 3 days... 100% a top 5 game. I'm excited to go back to 4 and 5.

very fun with friends. excited for future updates :)