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Gameplay (2/4) - This game exists to make you suffer. Enemy placements are outrageous and only there to waste your time. Playing through the levels feels like you are trying to run past everything so you don't die, just for a lame pull and push puzzle to stop you every 5 minutes. Umbral is pure pain, enemies spawn infinitely and horde you, making exploring a chore and a hassle. The combat feels fine when the game isnt running at 20 fps.

Story (1/3) - This game is like other souls genre types, where you have to watch videos on YouTube to get the story because they locked it all behind reading item descriptions.

Technicals (1/3) - This game crashed constantly. Umbral ending wouldn't work without an exploit to make it happen. The game runs at 20 - 40 fps constantly, making combat horrible to fight through. The worst offender was when the game corrupted my save file, thank God I had a backup. Visually, the game is beautiful which is why it isn't a 0/3. Very pretty game.

DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME. It is an unfinished garbage mess.