Amazing writing, story, quests and presentation. Overall an incredible world to explore.
The worldbuilding, characters and stories were a delight. The game at times has you make choices which are always difficult - they make you think about the problems of this world and its people, make you feel like you are part of it.
The reason this is an 8/10 instead of 10, is because of the gameplay mechanics and complete lack of polish.
At times I thought to myself that the developers never once bothered to play their own game. I understand that as indie devs making a game of such scale is quite a feat, so naturally they focus on what matters most to them (worldbuilding, atmosphere, writing). But they completely neglected the rest.
Now, I don't mind a story-based game with lackluster gameplay, but this is different. The combat mechanics, exploration gameplay, and RPG systems all play too large a role in this game as a whole for me to ignore how terrible they are.
And I have encountered a LOT of small bugs. Whether visual bugs, misplaced objects, spelling errors, audio glitches, performance issues, getting physically stuck, or just minor oversights - there are bugs aplenty. Nothing too big, just minor annoyances all throughout the game.
I'm not going to go into detail on exactly how the gameplay sucks. I could, but it would come out as 500 words of angry ranting. If you like how the game looks and want to experience this world you WILL enjoy the game. This is a great game.
I just wish they had the game be more focused on the things they put actual thought into.

Reviewed on Jun 19, 2024
