i feel like when god descended from heaven to create Portal and time came for the sequel, he made a game truly worthy of bearing the torch. so worthy, that he deemed us unfit for only one, and so split it into two. he took the charm, the wit, the humor and the presentation, and gave it to Portal 2. then, he took the extremely intelligent puzzle design and gave it all to The Talos Principle.

like i said in so many words, this game doesnt have a whole lot in the way of a soul, and yet the strange themes and presentation maintain interesting enough to keep my attention alongside the true appeal: the puzzles.

this is a very standard puzzle game with the laser puzzles and block puzzles and fucking clone puzzles, but theyre used in a way that makes it very satisfying to complete regardless. i kept coming back to this game not to see what the story had to offer or to keep getting good boy points from God, but just to get more tetris pieces.

despite the complete lack of replayability or charm, The Talos Principle is a very smart game that knows exactly what it is and offers exactly what you want, and im very very happy i played it.

and i only had to look up THREE solutions because im a smart boy

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2020
