i 100% this game (barring a couple achievements) in like 3 hours, it's really not that hard
it's also not that fun, but i'm not too upset about that
the story is odd but its meant to by artsy so i assume it probably works for some people and doesn't for others, me being the latter
the gameplay is the thing that's probably the most disappointing, being pretty underutilized for the most part
the first chapter is pretty disorientating, like walking around with one eye closed
the rest of the chapters were fine though, nothing wrong with them for the most part
though every other chapter except the first basically don't utilize the whole painting mechanic at all except for some other purpose like growing the vines or moving stuff around, and the building mechanic feels like it didn't need to be tied to the painting at all
i think if i could change something i'd make the painting mechanic only be used for the first chapter, then the other chapters just have whatever mechanic is used happen when you click without the delay of a paint ball
one thing i really didn't enjoy were all the artificial barriers to doing anything that the game didn't want you to
not just invisible walls in a bunch of random places, but also certain things being inactive unless you approach it from the right place (a specific thing in chapter two is entirely hittable with paint, but does nothing unless you climb up to it first)
a bit of freedom would have been very welcome in this otherwise minimal game
ultimately it's a pretty harmless game, though priced a little high for the content it offers

special little praise for the development material included in the game though, that's always a welcome sight to see in any video game and one that i wish more games included

Reviewed on Jun 25, 2022
