1 review liked by Mutoyoru

Not much more I can say that you can't already infer from as a guy who has literally had the online username / nickname "Neku" since I was like 12 in 2007.

Amazing game full of heart and soul, great soundtrack, loveable characters you warm up to. You can really tell that the team behind this game and its creators / translators had a lot of fun and honestly cared a lot about the project. That feeling always elevates the experience for me and imo you can tell when that's usually the case for a good piece of media.

Worst part of this entire thing is how poorly this game was marketed, the budget they decided to give Nomura and what could've potentially been if some of that Forspoken & Valkyrie Elysium money was instead put into this game. Who knows. Despite this they did an amazing job with whatever they had.

I doubt we may ever see this series again. Maybe that's okay. It wraps things up well. But I'm just glad the original even came out, let alone being lucky enough to see and play a sequel to an all time favorite game I used to daydream about for what the next installment might be.

I'm glad I got to see it even though it's quite different than what 12 year old me thought. 14 years later looking back, I'm glad I just didn't know it would take that long to come out back then!!!!!!

So yeah, love this series. play it. vibe with it. have fun. find how it speaks to you in your own unique way. Let's hope it's not the end of this series