[Main Story]
Although the game is made in Rpg maker vx and many people find that the games made in this software are bad, in my opinion I think they should give an opportunity to this game, not only by the Pros and Cons mentioned above but for who Is a fan or for anyone who has never played Final Fantasy 1 would be a way to relive the old times or know the fantastic world that is Final Fantasy.

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Throughout the adventure the player will have to make decisions that affect the history of the game, one of the points that led me to buy this title.

Despite an intriguing story, the gameplay that the game presents is a little different than usual. Experience points are exchanged for skill points which can be for learning new skills or for passive skills for each character. But each choice must be according to the player's style of play.

Combats are rounds with a full strategy, giving the player time to carry out his strategy or change it if necessary.

There are some side quests to do, which also make decisions that affect the main story.

[Main Story]
We should not judge the game just because it does not have beautiful graphics and "The Cat Lady" is undoubtedly game that holds the player from the beginning to the end, for his plot that surrounds, I give my congratulations to the creators.

[Main Story]
A small game with easy puzzles and an interesting story.

[Main Story]
When I bought this game, I was not expecting it to be a big deal, but after playing for a while, I saw that it was not that bad, in fact it has the potential for something more. I hope that in the future the devolper will create more games of this sort, because this is only a sample of what can be created for a great project.

[Main Story]
In the beginning before beginning level the player has several Loas in which each one has its ability to heal, to do damage among others. Along with the Pins where each one has a skill being able to upgrade with Gold acquired in completed or incomplete missions. Not forgetting that at the beginning can be a bit difficult because it is necessary to buy Pins to increase the status of the character so that can last longer in the missions in order to complete them.

The fun of this game are the various masks that are gained by drop or completing missions defeating the final boss.

After choosing the Loa, Pins and the mask the player can start the missions. In each mission the dungeons will be different from the previous mission, and can sometimes be generic. Each dungeon has several traps and obstacles. Given that we can not go back to the previous dungeon.

In the course of the various dungeons there are sometimes shops, synthetics among others. Giving the player the possibility to combine 2 Mojos giving him boosters and for examples to reveal the map, do double damage if the monster has below a certain percentage of Hp.

The only weapon that player can use are wands to which there are several temporary upgrades to help pass the mission along with items (which do not belong to the player, and can be random) having luck or luck in what appears and can determine if the missions will succeed or not.

The game camera is what leaves a negative aspect. This is because the enemies only appear at the player’s short distance, appearing at random, which can cause a bad moment for the player.

The online mode apparently is dead. When I try play i had a good time waiting but no one showed up so I gave up.

For those who are fans of the genre I recommend playing.

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A platform game in an apocalyptic world where the most important thing in this game is the agility and not the power of a weapon.

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Congratulations to the creators for creating something incredible. I can not believe this was done with RpgMaker software.
As soon as I saw the announcement of the game in steam I fell in love soon, I'm crazy about this kind of genre.

It is undoubtedly a simulator of real life, each choice has consequences, good or bad. If you like love story this is definitely worth playing.

I can not wait for the "Sometimes Always Monsters"

[Main Story]
A small game that lasts about 10 to 20 minutes. The player starts in a dark place without knowing much what happened to the protagonist.

The layout of the maps I found amazing, but even more so the soundtrack, that tension with each passing to the next place adds some insecurity to the player, wondering if it is now that the monster will attack. Luckily in this game it’s just the soundtrack.

The puzzles themselves are not difficult which pleased me greatly.

One of the negatives of the game is the fact that it is short (if you are there waiting for a story deep you will be disappointed) and in the end of the game will leave lots of questions in the air. In the other hand is no save, I know that the game is short but having save in the game it will be ok because not everyone has a lot of time to play.

But for all those who have curiosity, go on and play.

[Main Story]
A puzzle game with puppies for all ages.

80 challenging levels for the brain to move. Levels with quite varied and colorful. Easy to understand the mechanics of the game, each Pup in his bowl where can help each other to reach there bowl.

For those who like to hunt achievements this game is easy to get them, hunt all the hams in order to unlock special levels to complete the achievements list.

The only negative I found in this game was the background music that becomes very repetitive.

Anyone who likes a good puzzle regardless of age no doubt i recommend it.

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I really love visual novels, but I’ve never played one of this kind. I found the trailer interesting and downloaded it.

As it happens there is an introduction of the protagonist, which makes the player known his background story. One of the things I thought happened very quickly was the passage between events. At one point we are in school full of people with beautiful days and without warning puff a horrible rain without seeing in a soul. But what on earth did this trigger? Not forgetting that the protagonist’s childhood friend is alive. WHAT?! A live? But how? Well … I also have not been able to see well through the story how he came back from the dead.

For those who have seen the anime Corp party will have a little smell. Instead of being a fantastically child with thirst for revenge is a Medusa that seems to have a great appetite for any kind of meat. (I did not see if the Medusa turned the students to stone or not.)

Throughout the plot you get beautiful and detailed scenarios being them with or without gore. I missed the personification of the characters in general, which made me not want to know if they lived or died during the flight. The little variety of more choices is also no big deal. There are only 2 finals (so I realized) which disappointed me a lot. Maybe because it’s not my first visual novel to be played.

Although if you want to have easy achievements in the blink of an eye this is your game.

In conclusion I would like to indicate this visual novel for those who have never played this type of game. It is short and easy to understand the mechanics.

Even though it have missed some aspects I recommend the game, and I’m waiting for the next title.

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Tap Heroes is basically a cliker game, where the player clicks on a monster to give him damage until he dies and win loot. The money that is acquired throughout the game for the player to raise himself or hire 3 heroes along with a dragon to help more efficiently.

The game itself is quite colorful, and the characters well done. There are countless enemies to defeat, along the vast levels. The player begins to feel a certain difficulty whenever he walks 101 on 101 levels. Which does not change anything in the game in terms of gameplay, beyond achievements.

The game become very repetitive past some time, and playing this daily is a waste of time in my opinion it is preferable to upgrade the Heros or the player let the game run behind and do something else.

The soundtrack of the game is good at first until it becomes boring and repetitive past some levels since it is the only track in the game.

The game is very simple compared to other games of the genre. There is nothing special in the game, for example to increase powers or tricks, there is only money and more money to make our heroes stronger.

Of the 50 achievements there are some of them are easy to get into when others the player have to give time and effort to get them, because of the exaggerated number that Dev asks for. Like clicking 250,000 times, which will probably make the player’s mouse and wrist stay for a week at rest.

I suggest buying this game on a promotion, because the value is exaggerated in my opinion.

As I mentioned above the game is simple which can be good for some people and not for others. In my opinion it was not enough to get a positive review because I was there expecting more.

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I never got to play the original but this remake is fantastic in my opinion, as it brings together all the pokémons that went to the GBA and NDS versions into one. Where it tells a story that aroused my interest, having several places to explore being main or secondary throughout the game in order to evolve the rank of our rescue team that we can create in the game but also of our members who are part of it. The possibility that the game gives to choose which pokémon we want to be without being dependent on the quiz is fantastic. Even after finishing the main story of the game, the post game that the game offers seems to be endless in a good way. If you like the Rogue-like genre, I think you’ll like this game.

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I played the first volume and I confess that I found this second volume much more interesting, for the simple reason that there is more drama and feelings in the mix. Of the various candidates that the game offers, only a few interested me. The fact of being vocalized gives a more interesting touch to the Visual Novel where there are several endings depending on the choices that are made throughout the game. If you’re curious to try a visual novel, I don’t think you’ll regret it with this one.

[Main Story]
A small game with a strong message where throughout the game it makes itself known to the player, leaving a tear in the corner of the eye.