I feel like Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios saw the issues that persisted between 3-5 and really managed to craft a story free from the flaws of those games. There aren't 7 plot twists occurring within the last hour of the game. There is only a single fake-out death throughout the whole game. Yakuza 6 feels like the writers are at their most confident. An amazing new cast, each being very distinct and memorable to the point that they didn’t even bother making any reasons as to why older characters would appear and just completely shafted them. This might disappoint some fans considering this could be considered the end of Kiryu’s saga, but it works out for the most part by the time you witness the epilogue. The Dragon Engine looks beautiful here, but just like Kiwami 2 the physics combat can be very janky at times so playing in Normal or even Easy is your best bet. It feels very satisfying to play through the game, especially with how memorable the villains are except whatever is leftover at the end, but even the super evil ones feel gratifying when you see how Kiryu mogs their asses. Good game, right up there with the other good Yakuza games I like.

Reviewed on May 09, 2024


23 days ago

there is 2 fake out death's: kiyomi and kiryu's

23 days ago

@Wemmy good point, my apologies for this epic blunder of mine

22 days ago

lol no worries