Everything has been building up to this.

The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles is this magnificent narrative experience where the player’s role as Naruhodo the lawyer is to also have the resolve to discover the mysteries each case has been building up to for such an amazing finale. TGAA2 Resolve further pushes this as its the climax of all the questions one would ponder upon completing TGAA Adventures. Every chapter brings huge revelations that bring the player closer to understanding what was the tragedy 10 years ago. Each case is just as solidly written as the previous game, but I was much more invested with how more deeply connected they all are, especially whenever a plot twist is uncovered that brings to light more information to the mystery. By the finale, I was already on the edge of my seat binging the final chapter for 7 hours straight (this isn’t a lot for most folks but it is for me). After completing it, I can see why its very highly rated on sites like Backloggd. Just this all around completely solid experience where the build up mystery just had an amazing payoff to it all. Another one for the favorites.

Reviewed on May 23, 2024
