I don’t know my rogue-likes or my rogue-lites, but from what I’ve played of this I can definitely tell it is not for me.

It looks visually stunning of course with how well the backgrounds are designed with a good contrast to the characters that really makes the whole world feel lived in. Even during enemy encounters nothing ever felt so cluttered and I usually have the perfect visual clarity in understanding where the enemies and Zagreus are. The soundtrack compliments the game really well with instruments that really sell the whole Greek gods mythos with a really nice crunchy sound design during combat that makes slaying enemies so satisfying. All the voice actors absolutely nail their performances of these characters in making them larger than life immortals as you can really hear the personalities just from the voices alone. At least in its presentation, Hades is pretty close to being flawless in all honesty.

But it doesn’t click with me. As well-designed as these characters are, they don’t really intrigue me whatsoever. They might have more going on beyond what archetypes they fulfill, but from as far as I got with every character and their bonding I can’t say I ever became more invested over them. I think the story as a whole is kind of interesting? I like how they leave a lot of the motivations for the characters actions but upon certain revelations i can’t say I ever had a strong emotional reaction to any of it. Maybe if I was more invested in the characters the events would hit harder for me, who knows. Its serviceable, but I want to be optimistic and assume I didn’t invest enough into getting more into the intricacies of the narrative.

My biggest grip though in Hades is definitely within its gameplay. I can’t imagine going 30 hours grinding through the same areas over and over slowly progressing to the next area and beating the boss. Apparently this is like the whole deal with roguelikes? Yeah, I definitely can’t get into this. The combat itself is pretty simple with the different attacks and the powerups you can get as you traverse through the chambers. However, its simplicity also makes it awfully repetitive to play the tenth escape attempt. Is it cool to see Zagreus being able to interact more with the NPCs whenever you fail? Yeah, but it just isn’t worth it for me from what I’ve seen of the story so far.

I think this is a good game if you can vibe with what it’s going for. It's not for me, but I’d ultimately still recommend it to many because I can see the appeal of it and the possibility I might not be giving it a fair shot.

Reviewed on May 25, 2024

1 Comment

22 days ago

i would definitely recommend you to come back to this later. I used to dislike it, but I changed my mindset. I'm never gonna wake up and say "I wanna play hades rn" cus its justthe type of game I play when there's nothing else yk, and once you get that mindset its so much more enjoyable. risk of rain 2 is my favorite game, and I play it like once a month. also gurren peak ☝️☝️