8 reviews liked by Mysteclipse

william shakespeare has nothing on how drama filled this game was. take notes bill my man

this game hurt me so much and i think about it every day.

Honestly better than the first game??? You have less control over what happens, it’s more of a visual novel, but it’s so much more batshit and the lore really fucking pops off

catch me crying in front of my computer at 4am during high school summer break. this also got me to read night on the galactic railroad which destroyed me in a good way. i lov eyou estelle campanella

There's actually a very deep story to be told in this game. Love, Family, Betrayal, Abandonment, Revenge.

Most people will only play one route of this game and call it a day, assuming it's a simple parody dating sim (I thought that for many years), but if you take the time to go through all the routes, you will unlock the -real- game.

Was I wary of a game about dating pigeons? Absolutely. But the praise people continued to give it prompted me to buy it on a Steam sale, and then proceed to wait 2 years to play it.

When I finally did, I was blown away. For something that started as an April Fool's game, HB turned into a delightfully absurd yet moving story.

Not everyone will appreciate it, but if you like visual novels, do give it a try, and push through even if you start it and aren't sure. This game isn't what it seems.

thank you EN localization team for your service